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I've been taught and trained that I take the lids off, open the drums up and
throw all the latex paint cans on the inside into the non-hazardous waste hopper (the
non-haz). Initiative was required on the part of the steward, the talents didn't increase or
multiply themselves.As long as you are around unsaved people, trust me, the Holy Spirit in
you is intensely interested in their salvation. "Go wash those dishes" "OK, sir" then moments
later "The dishes are done sir, now what would you like me to do?" "Go
sweep and mop the floors." After that was done; "OK the floors are mopped, now
what?" And on and on until the boss gets fed up that he has to
tell me everything that needs to be done. So let's quit making excuses for why
we will do everything BUT the things Jesus would do, and told us to do
likewise.If you want to know what God's will is, read the Bible and act accordingly.
I got into an argument recently with someone going on and on about how wrong
it is for Christians to love God and yet have a lot of material possessions.
He said "I'd rather have God stop me from doing it, than wait for Him
to tell me what He wants me to do [concerning witnessing or open air preaching]
or else I'd never do anything for Him". Stop waiting for some kind of Holy
Ghost goose bump before you'll step out in faith.Steve has been a missionary to Europe
for over 2 years, and currently lives in Canada while preparing to move to Peru
in early 2009. But I really love something Geoffrey said to me afterwards about it,
concerning 'being led by the Spirit'. Do you think overcautiousness to that extreme pleases your
employer? Interestingly we treat God that way all the time--don't do anything because we are
too pre-occupied with making sure we're right first.Or if evangelicals or charismatics were cops, and
they acted in their duties the way most act in their spiritual lives, it would
look something like this:I am on the street and I notice that I see a
man in dark clothing breaking into a person's house. I've been really baffled lately about
how dumb we Christians are. Most don't take witnessing seriously because, after all "not everybody
will accept the Gospel, so no need to preach, I'll just wait for them to
come to me and then I'll share." Absurd.You know, I went to Subway the other
day, and saw a paramedic-type vehicle. If you wait for a feeling or some kind
of inner witness before you'll be confident in laying hands on the sick so as
to see them recover--then you'll never see anyone healed or delivered. So tn requin instead of going
in there and nabbing the guy, I call on my radio to headquarters to find
out what their will is. To sum it up in a 'thesis statement' a little
late in the discussion: most Christians would be fired from their jobs or responsibilities if
they acted the on the job the way most popular theology teaches about God's will.You
don't need to ask God every single time you think of doing something you know
the Bible teaches. They shout back "Arrest the guy!" And if I were like most
well-taught Christians, I'd say "but I want to make sure I have headquarters' will--God might
be teaching the guy a lesson and I don't want to interfere against His will
for that man." And headquarters' reply: "Didn't you go through the police academy? Did you
or did you not go through our training, and swear to uphold the law?" And
I reply "Yes, sir" To which he'd reply "Well then go arrest that guy like
you've been trained to!!!" And I do so only then after the verbal confirmation from
my superior.Then the next night, I'm staked out doing radar on Highway 115, and see
a car drive by well over 140Km/hour, and so I radio headquarters again, and ask
if I have their permission to pull the speeder over. Only, if I were like
most evangelical and charismatic Christians, then I'd let a skid of drums be brought over
to me, and just let it sit there because I don't want to do anything
wrong, and I'd wait for instruction from my boss. If you are saved, filled with
the Holy Spirit and devouring the Word of God and familiar with what He says
in it, you can't screw up by trying to do something for Him. Interesting stuff
to ponder. It actually is on my mind in terms of healing--are you surprised? I've
been thinking lately how someone tried telling me it's dangerous to say it's God's will
to heal all--despite all the Scripture in the world saying so---because "it's up to Him
and not us".I was working at my latest job and I started thinking to myself
about "what would such logic look like in a work environment?" If I behaved at
work like most Christians think and believe and teach others to believe, then I'd be
fired after less than a week. But there's one thing from experience and being around
many charismatics I've noticed (and this goes for non-charismatics where the shoe fits): being "led
by" the Holy Spirit. Turns out they were a youth group, and yelled "we're all
saved" and seemed very disinterested in what we had to say. Now again, I'm not
one of these extreme prosperity teachers, but I see Tn Requin more Biblical support for the idea
God blesses us than I do with we have to be poverty stricken in order
to show we love Jesus and that anybody who has money, is in sin.But I
thought about this. I figured I'd sound really weird if I told him I had
a blog idea and I wanted to see how Christian teaching held up to that
profession. Even though on my first day on the job, I was trained to do
just that with them, so that I wouldn't have to bother the boss again and
again to find out what He wants me to do when I'm done one of
the skids. I would have asked, when they get a 911 call come in to
go pick up someone sick, in an accident, or almost dying, do they call someone
above them in rank like a superior to make sure they have permission to? Or,
do they say to themselves "statistically speaking, not all of these people survive, so we
better not pick all of them up. And that my friends was a breath of
fresh air to me.Here's what would look like at my job if I behaved the
way many Christians do concerning knowing their Father's will:A bunch of drums full of latex
paint come in from a community waste day, and we're disposing of them. We better
be selective because after all, this one might not make it". For some reason the
parable of the talents just now comes to mind demonstrating this. Renew your mind with
the Word of God and get the mind of Christ.I remember doing street witnessing in
Charlotte this fall, and this group--a very large group of young adults and youth walked
by us and this new student named Geoffrey jumps up onto this ledge on this
sidewalk and starts open air preaching. We figure for whatever reason, that since God's sovereign,
we might get ahead of Him if we lay hands on someone because most don't
understand it's His will all are healed anyway. Get full of the will of God--the
Bible. I remember his exact words being something like "Hey everybody, I'd like to take
a moment to tell you that Jesus Christ changed my life". I don't know what
you call them--it wasn't a full-out ambulance, but I resisted asking the driver some questions
I was thinking up. As long as you come across a sick person, the Holy
Spirit in you is intensely interested in their healing, and if you come across a
demon-oppressed or possessed person, the Holy Spirit in you is deeply moved towards setting them
free. We have this mistaken idea that we can't do anything for God until/unless He
speaks audibly to us or overwhelmingly influences us in some way to know what He
wants us to do. The master was NOT pleased with the man who was given
only one talent--it was the responsibility of the steward to take what he got and
multiplied it, but yet his fear of screwing up kept him from bothering to do
anything, and the master was not pleased with him at all. I don't want to
get ahead of anybody and do something I'm not supposed to. See, too many wait
for "a leading" of the Holy Spirit rather than just stepping out and doing something
for God. I want to make sure I "know my boss' will" because it might
not be his will to dump all the latex this time, even though there's a
manual and it states to do that with all of the latex drums. For those
of you who may or may not have been in that discussion that one night,
is it bad for a Christian business man to be successful? Does he pray that
God won't let him be successful? Or does success gauge stewardship in any situation?This blog
won't go off on money or that realm. Do you see how stupid this is?
Yet that is the exact same logic believer after believer use on me when arguing
about what the Bible says about a lot of matters, healing and deliverance ministry in
particular. For example, the charismatic movement has brought a lot of good to the Body
of Christ and re-opened many facets of God the Holy Spirit and being filled with
him that the Body of Christ at large has benefited from. They respond rather frustrated
with me "Yes! Stop calling me every single time you come across a lawbreaker and
just enforce the law! And when you're done pulling that guy over, come back in
to headquarters and turn in your badge because you're too stupid to be a cop!"You
laugh and think this is all ridiculous (hopefully!) But yet this is actually how almost
most of the Christians I know are--we will refuse to do anything for fear that
we might do something wrong. But now now, what if it's not my supervisor's will
to do it the same way each time?And then every task I've completed, I'd keep
going to the boss to find out what he wants me to do next. But
I can imagine or gauge what the man's response might have been had I asked
him what I was curious about. He is a contributing author on the Fire On
Your Head Blog, which can be viewed at http://www.fireonyourhead.org, and also co-hosts a bi-weekly podcast
with another missionary, Fire On Your Head- The Podcast, at http://www.fireonyourhead.com Both sites dwell
richly in Pentecostal/Charismatic themes within Christianity..
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